Well at the start of 2012...
- I baked a batch of yummy, moist 【Whole wheat Honey Banana Muffins 】
- Funny that I didn't flew any kites when i was a kiddo but.. 【went to fly a kite with Leon anyway!】
- Had some 【superb dimsum and went to the dinosaur zoo 】to check out some dinos.. er WHAT?! Dino zoo?
- 【Went for a cooking class with Leon 】and cooked french onion soup & French Apple Tart from scratch for the first time!
- Made 【Oreo Chocolate truffles for my Valentine date】 this year, so delicious one batch wouldn't be enough. And.. the very 【 sweet valentine's day 】itself of course.
- We went to Taiwan again, this time in Spring!
- 【 Day 1 台北 // Day 2 台北. 五分铺. 猫空 // Day 3 - Roadtrip to 清境 // Day 4 - 情境, Cing Jing to 鲁山 // Day 5 - 鲁山. 日月潭. 海盗王, One Piece Event @ 九族! // Day 6 - 苗栗MiaoLi, 台北. // Day 7 - 台北 】
- The Adorable,【 Fatty Ninja kitty.】. with a gentlemen's bow.
- I made a 【 new friend 】named Grace!
- My new and awesome 【 Ganbanyoku Spa sponsor 】to preserve my youth.
- Did a【 photoshoot for Hada Labo's ad 】which was featured on newspapers and magazines!
- The girl who grasp tightly while screaming onto her date's arm while【 getting a "free ride"】 at the skating rink.
- Had the longest and best【 high tea session with Gwen & Furry 】to celebrate my 22nd birthday!
- New attraction in SG?【 Let's go NOW!】 We visited not once,【 but twice!】
- How do i 【entertain kitties?】
- Found a cafe with the【 best SG CBD views 】with crazy affordable menu.
- OMG?! With the talented【 Wang Lee Hom 】at the Music Man II Concert Afterparty!!!
- 【Pampered girl 】on our 8th year anniversary.
- Did the【 Gangnam Shake 】while making the Gangnam Shot onstage at Zirca.
- Celebrated my baby's 26th year old birthday by torturing him【 with his Secret Identity.】
- Delicious. Cannot Stop.【 Rolled Sugar Cookie.】 Need to say more?
- Leon finally【 "put a ring on it" 】and proposed. No more single lady, but Engaged lady.
- Well on the same day I became an "engaged lady" we also【 got our very first apartment together!】 Errr well, getting it in 2015!
That pretty much sums my 2012 up! I'm really glad I blog, It's like my Time Capsule. With my goldfish memory, without refreshing my memory with these posts, these memories would have vanished. Into thin air literally. 9 days to go to my Taiwan trip, it's gonna be cooooooold Brrrrr.
Hope you're having fun with your countdown plans today, and have an awesome night of the last day of 2012, and wishing ya a spectacular 2013!
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick.